Student Success

News about how Clark supports our students–and how our student thrive with that support.

Making business ideas a reality

Alison Warlitner making bath bomb

Clark College club hosts its annual Pitch Fest to foster student entrepreneurs      As the entry deadline approaches for Pitch Fest 2020 at Clark College, last year’s winners say participating in the Shark Tank-like competition sponsored by Clark Entrepreneurs made an enormous difference in moving their business to the next level.   Teams of Clark College…

All smiles

2019 Dental Hygiene graduates

Clark College Dental Hygiene celebrates a 100 percent pass rate      Clark College’s dental hygiene program has long had plenty to smile about: its high-quality teaching facilities, its status as the college’s first bachelor’s degree program, and its important work providing dental hygiene care in the community. Recently, the program’s faculty received news to…

Clark College student works her dream job

A new internship program provides opportunity of a lifetime      If you read the Columbian, you may see a familiar byline: that of Clark College student Jeni Banceu. As reported in that newspaper, she is the first Clark College student to work at the Columbian as a paid news intern. The newly endowed Dee…

A night of triumphs

A record number of graduates cross the stage at Clark College’s 2019 commencement      “Hola, soy Denisse, hoy sere su enfemera,” read the elaborate script on the top of Denisse Zuniga-Ibarra’s graduation cap, below a cluster of silk flowers. Or, in English: “Hello, I’m Denisse, today I’ll be your nurse.” Zuniga-Ibarra was one of…

Showcasing student creativity

Work from over 100 art students on display in Archer Gallery through June 15      On May 22, Archer Gallery was filled with visitors for the opening of the 2019 Art Student Annual Exhibition. This event showcases the best artwork produced by Clark art students in the past academic year. Students compete not only for…

MESA students engineer possibilities

Clark student with MESA group holding second-place ribbons

Program helps encourage under-represented groups to participate in STEM fields      Clark’s MESA program is still in its first year, but already it’s providing new opportunities for student success. MESA (Math, Engineering, Science Achievement) is a national program dedicated to encouraging under-represented populations to succeed in STEM fields. At Clark, this includes a dedicated…

Discovering their potential at Clark

Angela Kyle and Heather Leasure

On March 21, two outstanding students represented Clark College at the 23rd annual All-Washington Academic Team ceremony, honoring 59 students from Washington state for their academic excellence and community service. Top students from 33 of Washington state’s community and technical colleges were honored at the annual ceremony, which was held at South Puget Sound Community…

Helping student parents

toddlers in Oliva Family Early Learning Center

Clark College receives grant for almost a half-million dollars to subsidize child care for students with kids       Clark College recently received a $496,800 grant to help low-income parents pursue higher education. The grant, which will be disbursed over four years, comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means…

Students helping students

PTK students in front of grocery bags

Donations for annual Thanksgiving gift basket drive due by Nov. 19      Every year, members of Clark College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society collect money to pay for grocery baskets so that Clark students in need can have all the supplies to make Thanksgiving dinner for their families. This year, they have…

Student art on display

artworks in gallery

More than 93 art students represented at this year’s show in Archer Gallery       Approximately 150 works of art by 93 Clark College students are on display at this year’s Student Art Show in Archer Gallery. Clark College art faculty narrowed down from an original pool of about 400 submissions. Artist Victor Maldonado…
