Recently, Clark College was awarded a $2.2 million Title III Part A Strengthening Institutions Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Student veterans get additional support through $450,000 in federal funding The Veterans Resource Center at Clark College received a $449,460 federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education to establish a Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS) over three years. Clark is one of only two community colleges in the state to receive the grant. Focused on…
Clark College instructor is only community college faculty to receive a national grant to teach accessible technology Clark College computer technology instructor Bruce Elgort recently received grants from the national organizations Teach Access and the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT), as well as the Washington State Board for Community and Technical…
Clark College receives grant to fund a full-time financial literacy coach The Bank of America Charitable Foundation recently awarded Clark College a $20,000 grant to support a full-time financial literacy coach at Clark College. The coach works directly with students to help them stabilize their finances and increase the likelihood of students meeting their economic, educational,…
Clark College receives NSF grant to teach mechatronics in rural areas Clark College has received a $200,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to create a new Rural Access Mechatronics Program (RAMP) that will help students in rural areas become skilled technicians in the high-demand field of advanced manufacturing. “Thanks to this funding,…
New Clark staff help change the playbook for students with socioeconomic challenges With their low tuition rates and open-door enrollment policies, community colleges have long been a way for students of all socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue higher education and career advancement. However, students experiencing poverty often face challenges that go beyond paying…
Clark College receives major grant to help low-income students Clark College has received a major grant toward the college’s efforts to help low-income students complete their education. Work is already underway on the three-year Working Families Success Network (WFSN) grant, which provides $100,000 per year to hire staff and equip them to…
As a three-year grant concludes, the college has moved toward greater emergency preparednessThe Emergency Management for Higher Education (EMHE) federal grant period concluded Sept. 30, 2013. Over the three-year performance period, the $744,402 Department of Education grant successfully supported expansive steps to create a safer college environment for students, personnel and guests. Grant-funded activities were…