More than 100 Vietnam War veterans, families and supporters gathered at Clark College on March 29 to dedicate a Witness Tree commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
Clark celebrates Arbor Day with 200 new cherry blossom trees and the college’s eighth consecutive Tree Campus USA designation On April 11, Clark College celebrated tree planting and care at the annual Arbor Day celebration. Led by Clark College International Programs director Jane Walster, the ceremony took place on the northeast corner of…
Clark College celebrates Arbor Day with its sixth consecutive designation as a Tree Campus USA On April 13, Clark College celebrated nature at its annual Arbor Day event and tree planting. The event, which was free and open to the public, featured the addition of a Black Hills Spruce to the campus’s beautiful…
On September 24, Clark College bid a fond farewell to retiring Grounds Manager Skip Jimerson. The Penguin Student Lounge was filled with colleagues who’d worked with Jimerson over his quarter-century at the college. Jimerson began his career at Clark as a custodian in 1990 and shortly thereafter moved to the grounds division. Once there, his…
Clark College hosts 10th annual celebration of international friendship on April 16 On Thursday, April 16, Clark College’s 2015 Sakura Festival will honor the historic ties of friendship between the cities of Vancouver, Washington, and Joyo, Japan. This year’s celebration holds particular significance, as it recognizes several important milestones: the 25th anniversary…
Clark College is one of 10 finalists in the national Arbor Day Foundation’s annual Tree Campus USA “Celebrate Arbor Day Event Contest,” large school division. The contest, which includes college campuses from across the United States, will reward five colleges in each division with materials, funding, and support for a special Arbor Day celebration in…
Clark College celebrates Arbor Day, 21st-century style On April 9, Clark College celebrated both the natural and digital worlds at its annual Arbor Day event, as it added two new trees to the campus’s beautiful arboretum and unveiled a new, student-designed website that uses digital technology to catalog that arboretum. The new online…
This year’s Arbor Day celebration features a mobile-friendly map made by Clark students On April 9, Clark College will celebrate both the natural and digital worlds at its annual Arbor Day event, as it adds two new trees to the campus’s beautiful arboretum and unveils a new, student-designed website that uses digital technology…
Rain doesn’t dampen volunteers’ efforts to plant trees at Clark As Kermit the Frog once sang, it’s not easy being green. Admittedly, Kermit probably wasn’t talking about shoveling dirt in a cold, quintessentially Pacific Northwest drizzle. But members of the Clark College and greater Vancouver community banded together on November 6 to do…
Sakura Festival celebrates the bonds between Vancouver and JapanFriendship, like all living things, requires regular tending to keep it thriving. And Clark College’s 2013 Sakura Festival did just that, strengthening the bonds of friendship that led to Clark receiving a gift of 100 shirofugen cherry trees from John Kageyama, president of America Kotobuki. Kageyama was…