
Hannah Erickson is a Communications Specialist working in Clark College's Communications & Marketing Department.

Presidential Coins

In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the presidential coin. The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on…

Mothers, daughters, writers

Clark’s Columbia Writers Series hosts two authors with powerful personal stories this quarter      Clark College’s Columbia Writers Series will host two outstanding writers during winter quarter, both of whom are known for their beautifully written but brutal memoirs—one a recollection of an adolescence wracked with alienation and abuse, the other a wrenching account…

Archer @ Archer

Exploring Clark’s artistic legacy with a professor who helped shape it       As retired Clark College art professor James Archer stood in the gallery named after him and gazed at the works hanging on the walls, his expression was slightly wistful. Archer was attending the reception for “Archer @ Archer,” an exhibit of…

A smart investment

Cindy Nguyen

Scholarships help ensure that “the money thing” doesn’t get in the way of a student’s success      “I’ve always wanted to go to college,” says Clark student Cindy Nguyen. Even so—and despite her excellent grades—Nguyen acknowledges that college has its challenges. “When you come to college, you need to learn to study more efficiently…

2015: The year in review

A look back on the highlights of the year that was      The announcement of a new campus, the girder-by-girder growth of a new building, and our first men’s basketball championship in 20 years–no doubt about it, 2015 was a banner year in many ways. Take a stroll through the year that was as…

Leaving a legacy: a farewell chat with Laurie Cornelius

Clark’s longtime director of Child and Family Studies talks about how the program became a regional leader      To say that Laurie Cornelius has had an impact on Clark College’s Child and Family Studies program is a bit like saying that Dr. Seuss may have influenced children’s literature—you’ve definitely indulged in understatement. Cornelius, who…

A part of the family

For this professor, following her heart led her back to Clark      “This is where I grew up,” says Professor Veronica Brock from her office in O’Connell Sports Complex on Clark’s main campus. “My dad was a professor here, teaching physics and astronomy. I was a student here. I grew up with ‘Penguin blood,’…

Veronica Brock’s Top 10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Does getting healthy feel so overwhelming to you that it doesn’t seem worth bothering to start? Health and Physical Education professor Veronica Brock has good news for you. “Just because you’re not eating carrots and walking a treadmill every day, that doesn’t mean you’re not healthy,” she says. “I’d love people to erase all the…

So long, Skip: saying goodbye to “Clark’s Lorax”

Skip and Lori Jimerson

On September 24, Clark College bid a fond farewell to retiring Grounds Manager Skip Jimerson. The Penguin Student Lounge was filled with colleagues who’d worked with Jimerson over his quarter-century at the college. Jimerson began his career at Clark as a custodian in 1990 and shortly thereafter moved to the grounds division. Once there, his…

Natalie Diaz opens Columbia Writers Series

Natalie Diaz

Nationally known American Indian poet discusses her work and life       Angels don’t come to the reservation. Bats, maybe, or owls, boxy mottled things. Coyotes, too. They all mean the same thing— death. And death eats angels, I guess, because I haven’t seen an angel fly through this valley ever. –excerpt from “Abecedarian…
