Student Success

News about how Clark supports our students–and how our student thrive with that support.

Discovering their potential at Clark

Angela Kyle and Heather Leasure

On March 21, two outstanding students represented Clark College at the 23rd annual All-Washington Academic Team ceremony, honoring 59 students from Washington state for their academic excellence and community service. Top students from 33 of Washington state’s community and technical colleges were honored at the annual ceremony, which was held at South Puget Sound Community…

Helping student parents

toddlers in Oliva Family Early Learning Center

Clark College receives grant for almost a half-million dollars to subsidize child care for students with kids       Clark College recently received a $496,800 grant to help low-income parents pursue higher education. The grant, which will be disbursed over four years, comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means…

Students helping students

PTK students in front of grocery bags

Donations for annual Thanksgiving gift basket drive due by Nov. 19      Every year, members of Clark College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society collect money to pay for grocery baskets so that Clark students in need can have all the supplies to make Thanksgiving dinner for their families. This year, they have…

Student art on display

artworks in gallery

More than 93 art students represented at this year’s show in Archer Gallery       Approximately 150 works of art by 93 Clark College students are on display at this year’s Student Art Show in Archer Gallery. Clark College art faculty narrowed down from an original pool of about 400 submissions. Artist Victor Maldonado…

All-Washington Academic Team

Three outstanding students represent Clark College at state ceremony        On March 22, three outstanding students represented Clark College at the 23rd annual All-Washington Academic Team ceremony, honoring 78 students from Washington State for their academic excellence and community service. The All-Washington Academic Team is a program of Phi Theta Kappa, the international…

Another Top 10 for the Indy

group photo of Indy staff

Clark College’s student newspaper continues its award-winning tradition at national conference      Clark College’s student-run newspaper, The Independent, again placed in the Top 10 in a national contest of two-year colleges, earning fourth place in the annual Best of Show competition in Long Beach, California. The award from the Associated Collegiate Press honored overall excellence…

A Running Start for high schoolers

Running Start grad whose cap reads "17 with my AST"

College hosts three free information nights for the popular program       High school sophomores and juniors can learn how to take the next step in their education by attending one of three optional Running Start Information Night sessions at Clark College. The identical sessions will be held 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 24;…

Welding program sells student-built boat

skiff built by welding students

Proceeds from auction will go toward future student projects      For three months this spring, students from Clark College’s welding classes worked tirelessly to create a 14-foot aluminum skiff from scratch. Now the welding program is selling the skiff online to raise funds for future class projects. As part of the college’s commitment to…

Penguin Pantry holds open house

shelves with food on them

On-campus food bank welcomes the public Oct. 25        Clark College invites the community to attend the Grand Opening for its new Penguin Pantry on Wednesday, October 25, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Launched this summer, the Pantry provides students with free food…

Congratulations, Class of 2017!

Commencement is filled with stories of struggle, family, and triumph      On June 22, approximately 800 graduates gathered at Sunlight Supply Amphitheater to participate in the 2017 Clark College Commencement ceremony. A strong breeze tried to whip their carefully decorated mortarboard caps off their heads, and the summery sunshine forced many to unzip their…
