Student Success

News about how Clark supports our students–and how our student thrive with that support.

Goal Met

Clark hosts annual College Goal Washington with great success      On January 26, Clark College hosted a College Goal Washington event in Gaiser Student Center, attracting approximately 250 guests–more than any other such event in Southwest Washington. College Goal Washington (also called “College Goal Sunday”) is a state-based volunteer program that provides free information…

Summer Jobs, Lifelong Success

Clark College and Vancouver Housing Authority partner on job and internship fair      Clark College hosts its second annual Summer Job and Internship Fair from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, in the Gaiser Student Center. The event is designed to help job-seekers find summer internship and employment opportunities with Portland-…

Honor Bound

Honors Program Fall 2013

Clark’s Honors Program gives high-achieving students real-life experience with teamwork      Clark is well known for providing its students with hands-on learning opportunities in career-oriented fields like nursing, dental hygiene, and automotive technology. Even so, you might imagine that the highly academic and cerebral Transfer AA Honors Program would be too elevated an atmosphere…

Student Leader Profiles: Pathways Peer Mentors

Pathways Peer Mentors

Pathways Peer Mentors help Basic Education students along their educational journeys Students who enroll in Basic Education at Clark College often find themselves facing a host of challenges. What kind of challenges? “Oh my gosh, there are so many!” exclaims Pathways Peer Mentor Jamie Brindley-Bagent. “Everyone has different stories: if you don’t have money, if…

Penguin Profile: Billy Henry

Billy Henry

This Clark student started his own nonprofit at age 15  Cast your mind back to your high school physical education classes and ask yourself: How many of those activities could you have done blindfolded? Basketball? No way. Relay races? Only if someone made significant changes to the way it was organized. Dodgeball? Please. Small wonder,…

New agreement’s a HIIT

Clark partners with Bellevue College to offer students a four-year degree in Health Informatics Information TechnologyIn a move that will provide residents of Southwest Washington with the opportunity to train for high-paying jobs in a rapidly expanding field, Clark College and Bellevue College have signed an articulation agreement that allows students at Clark to earn…

Teaching Students to Fish


Clark introduces a new online tool to help students with the transfer processAs tuition at many four-year institutions continues to soar, many students have realized the value of spending their first two years of college at a community college. New studies show that the majority of community college graduates who go on to four-year colleges…

All “Fore” the Students

Penguin Nation Charity Golf Tournament raises funds for student athletes        More than 120 golfers converged on Royal Oaks Country Club for an afternoon of fun on the links in support of Clark athletics in late August during the Penguin Nation Charity Golf Tournament. The winning team—finishing 12 under par with a score…

Book ‘Em!

Running Start Open House helps prepare students for collegeFor Alex Adrian, the thing he’s looking forward to most about taking classes at Clark College is something he won’t be doing–namely, rote vocabulary quizzes. “I would finish them in, like, half the time provided,” said the Hudson’s Bay High School student. “It was really boring.” Alex…

Notes from California

Concert Choir at Union Square

Music groups perform in San FranciscoEighty-eight members of the Clark College Concert Band and Concert Choir represented Clark College by performing in San Francisco, California, the week after spring quarter ended. The tour and performances culminated a year of concerts presented by these two Clark College music groups. During the trip, which occurred June 23-26,…
