Student Success

News about how Clark supports our students–and how our student thrive with that support.

Phi Theta Kappa earns awards

Anne LeGrave and Jordan Peterson

Clark College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society for community colleges, has been hard at work this year. Two of its members have been nominated to the All-Washington Academic Team, and the chapter took top honors in PTK’s regional Hallmark Awards. “I am so excited that our chapter is being recognized…

A passion for education

Moses Kimeli Korir at Commencement

Scholarship recipient works full-time job as Head Start preschool teacher—while juggling studies, family responsibilities       Ever since he was a 10-year-old boy growing up in Kenya, Moses Kimeli Korir dreamed of being a teacher. When he grew up, he traveled 9,000 miles to Vancouver, Washington to fulfill his dreams.  Twenty-two years later, Korir was a step closer as he attended Clark College’s 2021 Commencement ceremony to receive his Associate of Applied Science degree…

Student earns math scholarship

Aukusitino "A.J." Ah-Yek

Aukusitino “A.J.” Ah-Yek was recently named the first recipient of the newly created Sigma Scholarship, awarded by the Clark College Mathematics Department to support and encourage students who are traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields to pursue higher-level mathematics. “Thanks to generous donations from many of you in our college community, we are awarding AJ $1500…

Overcoming obstacles, pursuing their dreams

Students share their struggles of losing jobs, housing—even their country—while navigating college during the global pandemic      Clark College students shared the obstacles they have overcome during the pandemic during “Student Voices: The Realities of Being a College Student during COVID.” The April 15 Zoom panel was presented by Clark’s Teaching and Learning Center and moderated by Director of MESA Dalila Paredes.   The panel grew…

Two Clark students join All-Washington Academic Team

Photo of Erin Lysne and Natalie Worthy

On April 15, two outstanding students represented Clark College at the 25th annual All-Washington Academic Team ceremony, honoring students from Washington State for their academic excellence and community service. Bios for students Erin Lysne and Natalie Worthy appear below.  Top students from 33 of Washington state’s community and technical colleges were honored at the annual ceremony, which was held virtually due to COVID-19;…

More aid for students in crisis

laptop computer open, screen shows a $ sign, backpack next to computer

Thanks to increased funding and a streamlined system, Clark College students have expanded access to emergency grants      The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn have caused many financial challenges for Clark College students. Some have lost jobs, while others have found themselves facing steep medical bills. With schools closed for months, many students…

Free bus passes for students

C-TRAN bus driving past Clark College campus sign

Clark College partners with C-TRAN to support students      Starting March 1, Clark College students will no longer have to pay for the C-TRAN bus pass called “BackPASS,” thanks to an interlocal agreement between C-TRAN and Clark College.  “We are grateful to our partners at C-TRAN in our shared efforts to provide for students and…

Unlocking education for the incarcerated

man seen from back, carrying multiple clear backpacks filled with folders, at a chain-link gate

How do you do distance learning in a place with no Internet? You go old-school.      A surge in COVID-19 cases paused Clark College’s programs at Larch Corrections Center in early January. The minimum-security prison had its first positive COVID-19 test in late December. Only a week later, 218 of those incarcerated —about 70 percent of the prison’s residency—had tested positive for COVID.  An…

Clark College removes application fee

main campus

Decision goes into effect with spring term registration, expanding access to higher education      Clark College has taken an exciting new step to expand access to higher education. Beginning with registration for the 2021 spring term, the college is removing its admission application fee, making it free for almost all prospective students to apply. (The one exception…

College and quarantine … with kids

Jessica Bull at her computer with her toddler son on her back

How parent students are coping–and how Clark College helps      Being a college student during the COVID-19 pandemic can be tricky enough, but it becomes exponentially more challenging when you’re also taking care of young children whose school or child care facility has been closed or moved online. About a quarter of Clark College…
