Tag Archive for Awards

Outstanding Employees

Exceptional Classified Award winners

Opening Day serves as an occasion to recognize some of Clark’s most dedicated team members        Opening Day on Sept. 12 marked several celebrations of employee contributions to the college. Employees were recognized for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service to the college. Four employees–Facilities Services Maintenance Mechanic Michael Conder,…

Clark Jazz never skips a beat

Clark Jazz Ensemble at UNC Greeley

For the third time, the Clark College Jazz Ensemble distinguished themselves among the other colleges and universities representing seven states at the 2016 University of Northern Colorado/Greeley Jazz Festival, held April 21 through 23. This year, eight Clark College Jazz Ensemble students received Special Citation for Outstanding Musicianship awards, recognized from the 8,000 festival participants.…

Presidential Coins

In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the presidential coin. The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on…

Clark College among nation’s best

main campus

Aspen Institute names Clark one of top 150 community colleges in the country       Highlighting the critical importance of improving student success in America’s community colleges, the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today named Clark College as one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the 2017 Aspen Prize…

The Best in the West

Phoenix 2015 Cover

Phoenix wins regional award       The 2015 issue of Phoenix, Clark College’s student-run arts and literary journal, was recently awarded first place in the Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) Literary Magazine Competition for the Pacific-Western Division. “This is a first for us,” said Clark English professor and Phoenix faculty advisor Elizabeth Donley. “In…

Great News

Indy staff spring 2015

Student newspaper sweeps regional awards      Clark College student journalists captured all three top awards in a competition for the best in news reporting, editing and production by teams at 13 community colleges in Oregon and Washington, according to results made public Sunday. It was the third year in a row that the news…

Two Global Journeys Reach Success

All-Washington 2015

Clark College’s All-Washington Academic Team members show the power of persistence      Two students whose stories began on almost opposite sides of the earth have found success in the face of adversity at Clark College. Martin Parrao and Lidiya Nikolayev represented Clark College at the 2015 All-Washington Academic Team Recognition Ceremony, held on March…

Fall 2014 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Heather White

Congratulations to Heather White, recipient of the 2014 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! The following is taken from her award nomination: Heather White is the Program Support Supervisor for Disability Support Services. She has been with the college since 2002. Heather provides a tremendous service to the community by facilitating communication between hearing and…

Applause for the Maestro

Don Appert

Music professor celebrates 25 years at Clark with three new awards      This fall marks music professor Don Appert’s 25th year teaching at Clark College, and as befits the director of the college’s orchestra, he’s celebrating the occasion with plenty of fanfare–winning three prestigious music awards in less than a month. Last month, Appert…

Winter 2014 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to Janice Taylor, recipient of the 2014 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! Janice is the Program Manager for the Tutoring and Writing Center. She started working in the center as a part-time work study student in 2006; was later hired on as a full-time Program Assistant, and recently promoted to Program Manager. Her…
