Tag Archive for Awards

Indy Wins Awards

Clark College students who publish the print and online editions of The Independent captured two national awards at the Associated Collegiate Press 30th annual National College Journalism Convention, held Feb. 27-March 2 in San Diego. In addition to attending more than 72 workshops and training sessions while at the convention, The Independent staff won third…

Compass Points to Sirius Bonner

Sirius Bonner

Clark’s Special Advisor for Diversity and Equity receives community award      Sirius Bonner, Clark College special advisor for diversity and equity, was presented with the Compass Award at the Urban Spark Collective’s fourth annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Breakfast, held January 18 in Clark College’s Gaiser Student Center. The Compass Award is…

Presidential Coins

In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the Presidential Coin. The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on…

Phoenix Flies High

Clark’s literary and art journal wins awardCongratulations to the staff of Phoenix. Clark’s literary and art journal just won third place in the Western-Pacific division of the Community College Humanities Association‘s 2013 Literary Magazine Competition. “I think the quality of Phoenix is a reflection of the quality of the strong arts program that the college,…

Finding the Right Path

Washington’s Teacher of the Year says Clark helped her stay on trackClark College ’98 alumna Katie Day Brown was named Washington state’s 2014 Teacher of the Year in an awards ceremony held on September 23 in Seattle. Brown (whose last name was Day when she attended Clark) says that Clark was a crucial part of…
