Tag Archive for music

Clark Theatre presents “Spring Awakening”

Award-winning exploration of repression and youth runs Feb. 28 – March 15      Clark College Theatre is proud to present as its 2014 winter quarter musical production the award-winning exploration of repressed youth, Spring Awakening. The production is directed by Rusty Tennant and runs February 28 – March 15. Winner of eight Tony Awards,…

Notes from the Fest

The 52nd annual Clark College Jazz Festival brings young musicians together      From January 30 through February 1, Gaiser Student Center was swinging with the sounds of big-band jazz during Clark College’s renowned Jazz Festival. The event brought 60 jazz bands from middle and high schools around the region to compete in multiple divisions.…

News from the Maestro

Don Appert

Music Department Chair and Orchestra Director Don Appert has had a busy summer. The Clark College Orchestra took third place in the 2013 American Prize category of Orchestral Performance-Community Orchestra. The award was given specifically for the orchestra’s March 14, 2012, concert. “In addition I am also pleased to announce that my work Quartetto Basso was…

Notes from California

Concert Choir at Union Square

Music groups perform in San FranciscoEighty-eight members of the Clark College Concert Band and Concert Choir represented Clark College by performing in San Francisco, California, the week after spring quarter ended. The tour and performances culminated a year of concerts presented by these two Clark College music groups. During the trip, which occurred June 23-26,…

Shantell Martin Draws a Crowd

Internationally known artist participates in Clark’s artist-in-residence program      Visual artist Shantell Martin’s free-form drawings and live-animation performances have been featured in such vaunted venues as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the New York Times, the enormous screens at Shibuya and Harajuku crossings in Tokyo–and, for more than a week, at…
