Tag Archive for STEM

STEM Pathways Camp

Local high school students and some first-year Clark College students were immersed in hands-on experience in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields.

Meet Warlock Carol Hsu

Clark College Engineering Professor Carol Hsu is an immigrant, a woman of color, and a pioneer of sorts who pursued a mechanical engineering degree at a time when only 10% of engineering students were women.

MESA students engineer possibilities

Clark student with MESA group holding second-place ribbons

Program helps encourage under-represented groups to participate in STEM fields      Clark’s MESA program is still in its first year, but already it’s providing new opportunities for student success. MESA (Math, Engineering, Science Achievement) is a national program dedicated to encouraging under-represented populations to succeed in STEM fields. At Clark, this includes a dedicated…

Winter STEM Seminars

picture of a monkey eating a mango

Free lunchtime lectures cover everything from sacred monkeys to the messages in mud       Clark College is inviting the public to come back to school for a series of free lunchtime seminars that explore the lighter side of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Begun in 2015, the Clark College STEM Seminar Series launches…
