Tag Archive for theatre

“A View from the Bridge” runs Nov. 10-18

poster image for A View from the Bridge

Arthur Miller tragedy explores life and loss in an immigrant family      Clark College Theatre opens its 2017-2018 season with A View from the Bridge. Arthur Miller, who wrote Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, brings us this classic tragedy of life, love, and loss. Brooklyn longshoreman Eddie Carbone welcomes his immigrant cousins to America, but when one of…

Clark College Theatre presents “Urinetown”

Award-winning musical makes a splash Feb. 17 – March 4      Clark College Theatre continues its 2016-2017 season with the award-winning musical, Urinetown by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis. Urinetown is a hilarious musical satire of the legal system, capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement, municipal politics—and musical theatre itself. Inspired by the works…

Clark College Theatre presents Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike

Ad for Fall theatre production

Tongue-in-cheek homage to Chekhov runs Nov. 11-19       Clark College Theatre opens its 2016-2017 season with the Tony Award-winning play, Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike by Christopher Durang. Middle-aged siblings Vanya and Sonia share a home where they bicker and complain about the circumstances of their lives. Suddenly, their movie-star sister,…

Crossing the Border between Art and Life


Clark College Theatre presents “bobrauschenbergamerica” May 8-23       Art, America, rubber chickens—you never know what will show up next in the postmodern play bobrauschenbergamerica, the final work in Clark College Theatre’s 2014-2015 season. The play, written by Charles Mee, celebrates the work and spirit of influential American artist Robert Rauschenberg, known for incorporating…

Clark Does the Time Warp Again

Rocky Horror Show

Clark College Theatre presents “The Rocky Horror Show” Feb. 27 – March 14      To quote Dr. Frank N. Furter, “We see you shiver with anticipa…tion.” Clark College Theatre continues its 2014-15 season with the raunchy camp musical classic, The Rocky Horror Show by Richard O’Brien. The play is directed by H. Gene Biby…

Clark Theatre Crosses the Border

Night of the Iguana poster

Boundary-breaking season opens with the Tennessee Williams classic “Night of the Iguana” Nov. 7 – 22      In its 2014-15 season, Clark College Theatre takes its audience on a wild trip across the border—whether that’s the border between two countries, between propriety and hedonism, or between reality and art. With the announcement of its…

A Spanish Lesson with Strings Attached

Betsy Ubiergo

Professor’s sabbatical project makes literature come alive at Clark’s Latino Festival      In a strange way, Spanish professor Betsy Ubiergo has the cruelty of children to thank for inspiring her sabbatical project, which will be unveiled at Clark College’s Día del Niño/Día del Libro festival, held May 9 in Gaiser Student Center. Ubiergo and…

Clark College Theatre Presents: “Dog Sees God”

Dog Sees God thumb

A nutty yet heartbreaking work of modern theatre runs May 2 – 17       Clark College Theatre concludes its 2013-14 season with Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead by Bert V. Royal. A breakout hit when it debuted at the New York International Fringe Festival, this challenging work operates both as…

Clark Theatre presents “Spring Awakening”

Award-winning exploration of repression and youth runs Feb. 28 – March 15      Clark College Theatre is proud to present as its 2014 winter quarter musical production the award-winning exploration of repressed youth, Spring Awakening. The production is directed by Rusty Tennant and runs February 28 – March 15. Winner of eight Tony Awards,…

Curse of the Starving Class

A classic of modern American theatre runs Nov. 8 – 23       “See, I always figured on the future. I banked on it. I was banking on it getting better. … I figured that’s why everyone wants you to buy things. Buy refrigerators. Buy cars, house, lots, invest. They wouldn’t be so generous…
