Student Success

News about how Clark supports our students–and how our student thrive with that support.

Veterans Resource Center  receives grant

Silouhette of two soldiers saluting the U.S. flag

Student veterans get additional support through $450,000 in federal funding       The Veterans Resource Center at Clark College received a $449,460 federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education to establish a Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS) over three years. Clark is one of only two community colleges in the state to receive the grant. Focused on…

Student Parent Profile: Monserrat Soriano

“This is not the way it’s supposed to happen, but that’s all we got.”      Monserrat Soriano is a full-time Clark College student on track to complete the Administrative Assistant and Management program in Spring 2021. She’s also a single mom to daughter, Melody, 7, in first grade at Martin Luther King Elementary; and son, Emmett, 4, who attends…

New faces joining health care workforce

Candi Smith in scrubs and mask

Clark College’s Medical Assisting program joins with WorkSource Washington to prepare students for careers      Twenty-three Clark College students who earned their degree in Medical Assistant celebrated their achievement with family and friends during a virtual Pinning ceremony on January 20.   For student Candi Clark, the Pinning ceremony was the culmination of longtime family support and inspiration. As…

Penguins feeding Penguins

culinary faculty and student holding up food to be distributed curbside

Since the global pandemic began, Penguin Pantry—the college’s on-campus food bank for students—has doubled the amount of food it distributes monthly. It typically has distributed one box of shelf-stable food and a loaf of bread donated by community partners. Now Clark College is partnering with its own instructional programs to increase the food support it…

For welding, an almost seamless transition

student welding metal

Studying safely is easier when face masks are part of your basic lab gear       When COVID-19 switched Clark College’s spring quarter classes from on-campus to online learning, Welding Technologies students were ahead of the curve—and therefore were not as affected as other programs with hands-on labs. Instructor John Kuhn already had pivoted to the hybrid model…

Finding his wavelength

Nick Gibson recording a person for a radio program

Clark College sophomore Nick Gibson successfully pursued two hands-on community journalism opportunities over the summer. The experience he gained will enhance his job as editor-in-chief of Clark’s student news magazine, The Indy, for the 2020-21 academic year. His first project was working as a news intern at The Columbian, Vancouver’s daily newspaper. The paid internship was…

Dental clinic re-opens

Quick work and detailed planning allow Dental Hygiene program to safely keep training students and serving the community       For 51 years, Clark College’s dental hygiene clinic provided affordable dental service to the community—until the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close in spring term. Now, thanks to careful planning by the college’s dental…

Automotive Technology steers through challenges

two students examine car engine

When COVID-19 threw a monkey wrench in the program’s gears, faculty got creative to keep students learning       When Clark College made the switch to online instruction during COVID-19, students showed their tenacity by adapting to new ways of learning. But some challenges take more than determination to overcome. For instance, what if your “homework” is an…

Clark’s All-Washington Academic Team

Julisee Hopmann and Kellie Langston, smiling

Congratulations to Clark College students Julisse Hopmann and Kellie Langston, who were named to the 2020 All-Washington Academic Team. The students were recognized for their achievement during the June 10 Board of Trustees meeting.  Julisse Hopmann is earning her Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administration with a Certificate of Proficiency in business management. She expects to graduate Winter 2021. Running Start student Kellie…

A remarkable journey

Evans Kaame stands smiling in front of Clark's Chime Tower

This year’s recipient of the Community College President’s Award in Honor of Val Ogden is Evans Kaame, a student who has been through much and traveled far to pursue his educational dreams. About Evans Kaame Evans Kaame was born and raised in a small community in northwestern Kenya. After his father died, the family was thrown into hardship and…
